
الحكومة السودانية : تطلب من الاتحاد الأفريقي عدم التعامل مع المبعوث الأممي فولكر بيرتس وهذا رد الخارجية الأثيوبية !

الحكومة السودانية : تطلب من الاتحاد الأفريقي عدم التعامل مع المبعوث الأممي فولكر بيرتس.

من جهةٍ اخزى ردت الخارجية بهذا البيان :

*صفعة من الحكومة الاثيوبية لوزارة الخارجية السودانية*
تلقت أثيوبيا بإسم الخارجية السودانية ضمن خطابات لبعض الدول الأفريقية بعدم التعامل مع مندوب الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة فولكر بيرتس
رفضت جمهورية أثيوبيا الخطاب وإعتبرته غير مهنى ولايعى إلتزامات الدول الأعضاء بقرارات مجلس الامن وأبدت إثيوبيا شكوكها أن يكون الخطاب صادر من حكومة السودان وقالت تتوقع أن يكون بإجتهاد من أحد الموظفين ونصحت الجنرالات بعدم التورط فى مواجهات إضافية مع المجتمع الدولى وبلادهم تمر بظروف تحتاج فيها للتعاون الدولى

*نص الخطاب الأثيوبى*

Ethiopia is a member state of the United Nations and is obliged to respect the resolutions issued by the Security Council. In addition, Ethiopia has other agreements related to facilitating the work of the United Nations in the region. The United Nations and the African Union have similar binding agreements. These international relations are governed by a coherent legal system, and states and regional organizations are not supposed to work to breach it. The letter sent by the Sudanese Foreign Ministry to the State of Ethiopia and regional organizations, asking them not to deal with the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the head of the UNTAMS mission, is easy to consider as aggressive and a threat to international relations. Because Sudan is also a member of the United Nations, it must respect international law, and not incite violations of international law. The UNTAMS mission is a mission established under the Charter of the United Nations, according to a decision issued by the Security Council, and within its competence to maintain international peace and security. The mission came to Sudan to help build peace, political stability and economic development. I do not think that the message sent by the Sudanese Foreign Ministry to Ethiopia, the African Union and other organizations will motivate these countries to violate their international obligations to respect Security Council resolutions. This message is likely to contribute to poisoning relations between the Sudanese army generals and the international community. It is certain that the Sudanese Foreign Ministry has experts in international law and the nature of the relationship with the United Nations. It was more appropriate for the experts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to advise the Army Command to assign the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its permanent mission in New York to use Sudan’s relations with African, Arab and Islamic countries in the Security Council in order to submit a request to the Security Council regarding the representative of the Secretary-General. Such a discourse, widely published on social media, will complicate matters for Sudan, which is facing difficult circumstances and needs international support. Many experts are beginning to suspect that such messages were actually issued by officials in the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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